Setup Shopify

A Shoptype account

Shopify Store admin access

The link to the shopify store. In order to integrate Shopify into Shoptype, there are three steps

Private App Admin
API scopes

Private App Storefront
API scopes

Input the values into the Shoptype account

Initial Steps on Shoptype

Create a Shoptype account using the link provided by your network.
Verify the account by clicking on the verification link sent to your email.
Register the store name and link under the vendor profile.

Open once logged into the vendor profile by going to
"Products" in the menu on the left side of the vendor profile.

Create a Private App for your store

Open your Shopify

Open your shopify

Open your shopify account store dashboard and go to apps in the menu on the left.

Develop Apps store

Scroll to the bottom of the screen and go to 'Develop apps for your store'

Develop Apps store

Click 'Create an app'

Enter the name of the app in the format: "Shoptype – {{Your brand name}}"

Configure permissions for the Storefront API and Admin API


Generate API keys

Go to: WooCommerce > Settings > Advanced > REST API.
Select Add Key. You are taken to the Key Details screen
Add a Description. – “Shoptype”
Select the User you would like to generate a key for in the dropdown. – Any admin user
Select the level of access for this API key – “Read/Write” access
Click Generate API Key, and WooCommerce will create API keys for the specified user.
Now that the keys have been generated, you should see a Consumer Key and Consumer Secret key, a QRCode, and a Revoke API Key button.

Please save the following

Consumer Key
Consumer Secret
Store host url: example,

Connecting your Shoptype vendor account to Woocommerce.

Onboarding your product catalog into shoptype

Go to 'Configure Storefront
API scopes'

Add the following permissions by selecting their corresponding checkboxes.

Go to the API Credentials tab

Install your app

Copy the Admin API access token, this will be required in the onboarding.

The name of your store will be the Shopify domain (only enter the name and not the URL):
eg: https://{{yourbrandname}}

Install your app

Onboarding your product catalogue to Shoptype from Shopify

Create your Brand account using the invite link that was provided to you by your network operator.

Select the Products tab in the menu to your left.

Click on "Link Shopify account" to get the following screen:

Fill in the name of your storeeg. the store name for "" would be "constellation"

Enter the Admin API access token that was obtained in the previous step

Choose whether your product catalogue falls under an Age restricted category the Adult category of products.

On clicking Link your product catalogue will get synced to Shoptype and any orders that come from Shoptype will be automatically synced with your shopify store, as will the inventory stock values etc.

Once synced click your profile name on the top right and select "My Profile"

Scroll down and upload your brand logo


You're now on shoptype!